Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Things Pondered....

I've been pondering this morning and type this from a heart, soul and mind full of wonder, and eyes full with tears of awe and gratitude. Words really can't express it, but maybe you can catch a glimpse...

His eyes, His eyes saw the beginning of time, yet opened the very first time in a humble stable.
His ears, His ears have heard the angel chorus sing, yet the sounds of animals welcomed Him to earth.
His hands, His hands created the vastness of the universe, yet formed the most delicate intricacies of the woman that would carry Him in her womb, the hands that would feed Him, teach Him to walk, the arms that would rock Him, the voice that would sing Him to sleep, the heart that would love Him. Wholeheartedly, more than anything, forever.

I can't imagine the moment the angel first appeared to Mary, what she must have thought, felt, to hear that she was 'favored by God' and would soon have a Son that would 'save His people from their sins'. I don't know which is harder to understand, the report from the angel, or Mary's response. Surprised, to say the least! She even asked "how can this be?". However almost immediately, she was willing to risk everything to follow in obedience. To say that life as she knew it would never be the same, is an understatement.

But fast forward through all of the rumors, disbelief, and closed doors she encountered, to the stable. Not exactly 'fit for a king', yet just like God to again, use the simple and common to make Himself known. Shepherds came from afar, and made Jesus widely known, and everyone marveled at what they heard.

But Mary, Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart. Especially during this Christmas season, I often wonder what all of 'these things' are? Perhaps in her mind she went back to the day she was cleaning house and had a heavenly visitor. Maybe she recalled Joseph's first response to the news. Could she be remembering the moment she first felt the Son of God move within her? Could she be wondering what the future really held for her son? "Save His people from their sins"? Oh how faithful she was, how much she had learned and how far she had come, yet little did she know...

Hard to comprehend, certainly. There are many things about God that are a mystery. Yet these are things I know...

His eyes, His eyes are watching carefully over me each day.
His ears, His ears are listening every time I call.
His hands, His hands. His hands reached down to the depths of my heart, my soul, my life, and life as I knew it has forever changed.

As much as I admire Mary for following in obedience and what she gave, it is Jesus Who gave ALL. Jesus came to the manger for one purpose, to give His very life to save His people from their sins.

It is Jesus who saved me from sin, death and the grave! I can not end this without asking, how about you, do you know Jesus? Not just know who Jesus is by the stories you've heard. Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ? If not, I pray that this Christmas season, you will see Jesus in a new way, a personal way - by the way of the manger, the cross, and the empty tomb, as your Savior. For those who know Jesus, I pray that like Mary, in our heart we will ponder all of Who Jesus is and all He has done, and treasure Him. Wholeheartedly, more than anything, forever.