God never ceases to amaze me, and I have to share. Some may think it's a coincidence, I would disagree to my grave. I know it was a gentle reminder from my Heavenly Father....
For a brief moment yesterday, I allowed discouragement to well up in my heart, and dwell in my mind. I took my eyes off of Jesus and put them on a particular circumstance, and began to weep. The reason I say that it was a brief moment, is because my Jesus only allowed a few tears to flow, before He helped me to regain my focus.
I was cleaning the kitchen as I was going back and forth between text messages and emails that burdened my heart and even frustrated me, and I began to weep. For a moment the "typical" questions ran through my mind: "But God???" "How in the world???", "Why can't???"... you know the drill. As I planned to just sit at the kitchen table and allow my pity party to be soothed by a cup of hot tea, my eyes met the eyes of another. As I neared the table the blinds on the window were open, and perched right on the ledge of the fence, there it sat, a bird. This wasn't unusual, as it seems to be a common place for various types of birds. They frequent this section of fence in particular for some reason. Most of the time they get nervous as they catch a glimpse of us through the window and our motions usually cause them to quickly fly away. But not this bird. It not only sat perched on the fence, it faced the window and stared at me! I was amazed that as I slowly moved, it's little head followed me, it didn't take flight. We've seen so many types of birds here, beautiful blue jays, cardinals, wrens, etc... but I'm embarrassed to say that I had to research this one. In my heart I automatically knew the type of bird, but of course I had to be 'sure', after all, I'm not an avid bird-watcher! As I tried to keep 'eye contact' with this beautiful creature, I quickly used my phone to research it on the internet, and there it was confirmed. Of all the birds we've enjoyed in our yard this was the first time I have seen, a sparrow. Oh, perhaps I have seen them before and just didn't realize it. How typical of me to possibly miss a perfectly good reminder of God's love for me, and His promises. But this time, He made it very clear.
The tears of discouragement quickly turned to tears of repentance as I asked God to forgive me for making a petty circumstance worth that much focus and emotion. Then tears of gratitude as I thanked Him for the sparrow, and how He used that tiny, beautiful creature to look me in the eyes and remind me that God always has been, and always will be, faithful.
Matthew 10:31 "Do not fear therefore; you are of more value than many sparrows."